Single stake pool operator since 2017 part of Cardano

JUNO - 170 ADA

Mithril Signer, securing the Cardano network

Recognized multiple times by the Cardano Foundation for "outstanding contributions" as ecosystem builder and contributor

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Get more rewards as Delegator

We lowered our fixed fees to 170 ADA to reward our delegators with better returns on their stake. As delegator you will receive more rewards on your stake by delegating to a stake pool with a fixed fee of 170 ADA over one with 340 ADA. Delegate your ADA with us, earn passive income, support a single stake pool operator, decentralization and security of the network and our developments on the Cardano blockchain.

JUNO is a community stake pool on the Cardano blockchain and is run by the team behind Dquadrant

Dquadrant is company with experts in Plutus/Haskell and solution development and is partner of IOG since early 2020.  In the role of partner of IOG we created reference templates for the Cardano community for AgeUSD stable coin and NFT marketplace. We extensively tested the Vasil Hard fork, SECP256K1 and community related Plutus/Haskell ticket handling to ensure that deliveries of IOG are made. Next to this we created an NFT marketplace and a library and api called Kuber to easily compose and autobalance transactions on Cardano. On top of this api/library we created Kuber IDE a tool similar like Remix on Ethereum to write and test your smart contracts on Cardano from within your browser without the need to setup any underlying infrastructure, we take care of this. Form Kuber IDE you can easily choose your favorite CIP-95 Web3 wallet and your network of choice to interact with the Cardano blockchain. Currently we are testing Gov Tool and Chang Hard fork.

Since end 2023 we are partner of Intersect and we are actively contributing to the OSC and the Commercialization/Utility workgroup.

We support the decentralization and security of the Cardano network by running a stake pool. Our goal is to make the staking experience for our delegators as smooth as possible by generating the best possible returns on stake. In order to achieve this we provide a high resilient infrastructure and network connectivity to guarantee 24/7 uptime.

Next to providing a professional stake pool service we are developing community and commercial grade solutions on the Cardano blockchain to drive the Cardano ecosystem.

Geographically distributed

Our stake pool JUNO infrastructure is running on bare metal servers. We make use of several data centers in different geographical regions. Our servers are located on several locations in Europe to ensure an excellent network connectivity and to support the decentralization and security of the Cardano network.


Our infrastructure is highly resilient to ensure that our stake pool can produce blocks under any circumstances.

Monitoring & Alerting

We make use of active monitoring and alerting on our infrastructure to ensure nearly 100% uptime. In the event our infrastructure is compromised we are automatically alerted on our mobile phones so that we can respond immediately to the situation.

Cloud native

We are using the latest cloud native technology. This allows us to scale and to upgrade our nodes easily with the latest software. By using this technology we are independent of the host operating system and cloud service provider.


We did implement best security practices to ensure that our stake pool pledge and rewards are as safe as possible.

Environmental friendly staking

Our stake pool JUNO runs on renewable energy and has a low environmental footprint, we make use of Wind, Solar and Hydro energy. Our servers at home are powered by Solar energy stored in Batteries.

Reasonable fee

We have operational costs, we need to maintain our servers on all supported networks. Think about OS and Cardano node and Mithril upgrades, improvements, security patches etc.
For this we are calculating a variable fee of 3.5%.

Lowest fixed costs

Fixed pool costs are mandatory to cover the costs of our hardware infrastructure. We are maintaining the lowest cost possible which are 170 ADA per epoch.


JUNO has a pledge of 200K. A stake pool with significant skin in the game. Next to this our stake pool rewards are automatically re-staked, guaranteeing the best ROS for delegators.

Hetzner Online Gmbh datacenter

24/7/365 uptime

We run our nodes and block producer(s) in different geographical locations and datacenters.
Our stake pool block producer has a hot standby. Only this way we can guarantee the highest possible uptime.

Bare metal servers

Our stake pool infrastructure core runs on bare metal servers in cloud datacenters in Europe.


Staking with JUNO is choosing for 30 years of experience in IT. We have profound knowledge of running businesses, linux, security, enterprise software, cloud native solutions, machine learning, AI and IoT.

Everybody can run a stake pool by copying instructions, but operating a stake pool requires experience and devops skills to run a stake pool efficiently and secure to guarantee block production.

JUNO stake pool is actively contributing to the Cardano ecosystem by developing commercial and open source solutions and helping IOG with their deliveries as a development partner. Ultimately driving the success of the Cardano blockchain.

— Ron, Stake pool operator JUNO stake pool




12 core AMD Ryzen
64Gb Memory (expandable)
1TB NVMe SSD (expandable)
1Gb/s guaranteed bandwith

Data center X
GEO location Germany

Our BP contains an integrated mithril-client for quick recovery of the chain database.


hot backup


12 core AMD Ryzen
64Gb Memory (expandable)
1TB NVMe SSD (expandable)
1Gb/s guaranteed bandwith

Data center Y
GEO location Germany

Similar like our BP contains our BP hot backup an integrated mithril-client for quick recovery of the chain database.


3 + 1 hidden


12 core AMD Ryzen
64Gb Memory (expandable)
1TB NVMe SSD (expandable)
1Gb/s guaranteed bandwith

Hosted at home and in a data center Z an Y
GEO location Finland, Germany and The Netherlands

Our relays nodes contain an integrated mithril-client for quick recovery of the chain database.



Supported networks
