If you participated in the Incentivized Testnet (ITN) of Cardano by staking your tADA that were provided on basis of the snapshot taken on Friday, November 29, 2019 of the Testnet, you could have delegated your stake into one or more staking pools of the ITN.
The rewards you earned by delegating your tADA to one or multiple staking pool(s) can now be checked before they are actually transfer of them is taking place to the Mainnet, which is planned later this month.
You can now check your rewards account balance earned from delegating to stake pools on ITN by downloading the new Deadalus Shelley Testnet wallet.
Once you have downloaded the new Daedalus Shelley Testnet wallet and installed it, it will open a wizard that guides you through to process of restoring your wallet. You first have to provide your Wallet type (Deadalus or Yoroi) and your wallet recovery seed phrase.

In the next screen, following on pushing the Continue button, you have to provide a wallet a name and the recovery phrase of your wallet to be able to restore it. To protect access to the Deadalus Shelley Testnet wallet you also have to provide a password, but this can be a complete new password (don’t loose your password since you most likely need access to the Deadalus Shelley Testnet wallet to move your earned rewards balance to Shelley Mainnet once this functionality is made available)
If all goes well on restoring your wallet, you should see the following screen, indicating that the restoring process was successful.

Once we close this popup screen by clicking the Close button we are able to see the calculated rewards balance for our wallet.
We recommend everyone that was part of the ITN to download and install the new Deadalus Shelley Testnet wallet, in order to verify that the calculated rewards balance is correct before the actual transfer of the rewards between Testnet and Mainnet will be made available.
In case your calculated rewards are not correct you should contact Cardano support and they will follow up on this.