![The number of blocks ADA4Profit - A4PEU [JUNO] Cardano community stake pool forged on the Haskell Test Net](https://junostakepool.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/pooltool-htn-blogcontent-uai-258x124.webp)
The performance of our stake pool has been excellent so far and we are one of the top performing stake pools on the HTN (Haskell Test Net).
In the last 2 days, we were able to forge 110 blocks, on average ~2.3 blocks per hour.
![Kibana visualization of the blocks forged by ADA4Profit - A4PEU [JUNO] stake pool on Haskell Test Net](https://junostakepool.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/blocks-forged-htn-blogcontent-uai-258x70.webp)
We are striving to keep up with this performance for our potential delegators on Mainnet. Which is expected to launch in August 2020.
The performance the last day was heavily influenced by the change of the d-factor by IOHK. Before the changes were made, there were returns for stake pool operators that were based on 90% of the blocks, now the return is based on only 15%. This change made by IOHK was influencing not only us, but the rewards for all stake pool operators as well. Only 30 blocks of the 110 blocks were forged after that change, other top performing pool operators reported similar results.
Tomorrow there will be a change to Cardano-node 1.14.0. This version comes with a new genesis and this means the pool operator have to re-register their pools on basis of new keys and certificates. This is a first real test in anticipation of the switch to Mainnet for the pool operators.
We’ll keep you posted on the results.